Slide it until you get your desired blur.īlurring an entire layer is a great way to apply a blur effect to your entire piece of art really quickly. You will be given the choice between Layer and Pencil. To blur your entire layer with Procreate, open the Adjustments panel and click on your preferred type of blur. How to Blur Your Entire Layer with Procreate Make sure to read to the end where we’ll talk about my FAVORITE use for blurring – shading. Now that we’ve talked about the different types of blurs, let’s talk about different ways you can apply the blur. Directional lets you choose a focus point, but will apply your blur unevenly in the direction that you choose. Full perspective blur lets you choose a focus point and then applies your blur evenly in a circle from that point. Procreate’s perspective blur gives you two choices: full or directional. This means that perspective blur is a great choice if you need to apply a blur, while also drawing attention to a particular section of your work. Perspective blur tends to force viewers to focus at the point where the radial blur begins. Perspective blur is the best choice for artwork that needs to focus on a particular object while having depth. Procreate’s perspective blur creates a radial blur, which means that it starts at a center point and then increases as it moves outward in the shape of a circle.